Tuesday, November 26, 2019

4 ventajas de estudiar en los Community Colleges en USA

4 ventajas de estudiar en los Community Colleges en USA Si ests interesado en estudiar una  carrera universitaria en Estados Unidos, los Community Colleges son una opcià ³n a considerar para cursar los dos primeros aà ±os. La estadà ­sticas ponen de relieve la importancia de los Community Colleges dentro del sistema universitario de los Estados Unidos. Segà ºn el Community College Research Center, el 45 por ciento de los estudiantes universitarios en el paà ­s realizan sus estudios en uno de esos centros. Esto es, ms de ocho millones de estudiantes, de los cuales ms de la mitad estudian a tiempo parcial. Quà © son los Community Colleges   El nombre de Community Colleges se refiere a instituciones universitarias que otorgan un Associates Degree al estudiante que finaliza sus estudios y requieren haber completado 60 crà ©ditos en cursos semestrales. Por contra, los colleges y universidades otorgan un tà ­tulo universitario en la forma de Bachelor ´s Degree y es necesario haber finalizado 120 crà ©ditos. Los Community Colleges tambià ©n se conocen con el nombre de Technical Colleges o Junior Colleges, incluso County Colleges. En las diferentes zonas geogrficas de Estados Unidos hay la costumbre de llamarle de distinta forma. En todo caso, es lo mismo. T ambià ©n se le conoce como instituciones de dos aà ±os, ya que si se estudia a tiempo completo y satisfactoriamente los cursos se finalizan en ese tiempo. Si no ests familiarizado con los Community Colleges y te gustarà ­a realizar estudios universitarios en Estados Unidos, deberà ­as tener en cuenta las siguientes razones para determinar si estudiar los primeros dos aà ±os en ese tipo de institucià ³n es una buena opcià ³n para ti. El costo de los Community Colleges es mucho ms asequible que el de las Universidades de 4 aà ±os El ahorro puede ser muy grande y servir para pagar gastos como alimentacià ³n, libros de texto, viajes, etc. La mayorà ­a de los Community Colleges son pà ºblicos, aunque tambià ©n los hay privados. Estos à ºltimos son ms caros, pero siguen siendo un ahorro notable en comparacià ³n con Universidades y Colleges. Adems, en la mayorà ­a de los estados hay una diferencia en el precio de la matrà ­cula (tuition) entre in state y out of state. Los que califican como in state, es decir, los residentes en ese estado generalmente pagan mucho menos que los de out of state (aunque no siempre es asà ­). Ciudadanos, residentes, refugiados y asilados que vivan en un determinado estado y cumplan con requisitos adicionales que dependen de cada estado pueden calificar para una matrà ­cula in state. Si los indocumentados califican o no para esa calificar depende del estado. Pero en muchos de ellos, sà ­ que se pueden beneficiar y pagar como in state, si realmente residen en el estado. (Si eres un muchacho o muchacha indocumentado  calificado como Dreamer y todavà ­a no has aplicado por la Accià ³n Diferida, considera hacerlo y valora sus posibles ventajas). Los estudiantes internacionales (visas F-1 o M-1) deben pagar como out of state.   Ejemplo de ahorro en coste de pago de matrà ­cula en community college frente a universidad La Universidad de Texas es pà ºblica y prestigiosa con muchos centros. Estudiar en su campus de cuatro aà ±os de Austin tiene un costo de matrà ­cula anual para el curso que empieza en octubre de 2014  de $34,722 para los estudiantes out of state. Y de $9,798 para los in  state. En comparacià ³n, Central Texas Community College, tambià ©n pà ºblico, tiene un costo por aà ±o para el curso que empieza en octubre de 2014 de $6,270 para estudiantes out of state y de $2,130 para los que pueden calificar como in state. En comparacià ³n, Rice University, tambià ©n radicada en Texas pero privada, tiene un costo de matrà ­cula anual para el mismo periodo de $40,665, para todo tipo de estudiantes, ya que al ser una institucià ³n privada no hace distinciones entre residentes en el estado y los que no lo son a la hora de determinar  cunto cuesta la matrà ­cula en ms de 1,000 Community Colleges Menores exigencias en los tests  de ingreso, como TOEFL, SATS o similares Aunque cada centro tiene sus propias reglas, en general admiten estudiantes con resultados ms bajos en los exmenes estandarizados como TOEFL, SATS y equivalentes. O puede suceder que incluso no sean un requisito. Adems, conviene tener en cuenta que los que son pà ºblicos pueden tener normas que los obliguen a aceptar dentro de su sistema a los estudiantes residentes en el estado que han obtenido su graduacià ³n de high school o equivalente, tipo GED. Esto no sucede con los estudiantes internacionales ni con los residentes de otros estados de la Unià ³n Americana. Pero sà ­ que merece resaltar que los requisitos de ingreso son, en general, ms fciles de obtener que los que piden las universidades y colleges de cuatro aà ±os. Por lo tanto, para los estudiantes que todavà ­a no se sienten cà ³modos acadà ©micamente con el inglà ©s, los Community Colleges pueden ser una gran opcià ³n. Excelente oportunidad para familiarizarse con el sistema educativo universitario de los Estados Unidos Los estudios en un Community College son dos aà ±os en los que se puede mejorar notablemente el conocimiento del inglà ©s y sus particularidades acadà ©micas. Adems, brinda la oportunidad de conocer y entender el sistema de crà ©ditos, requisitos, reas de concentracià ³n  (mayors), titulaciones, etc. Esto puede ser recomendable para los estudiantes extranjeros que no han cursado ningà ºn aà ±o de high school en Estados Unidos y desconocen el sistema de estudios. Ofrecen una titulacià ³n en sà ³lo dos aà ±os El tà ­tulo que se gana al completar los crà ©ditos es el de Associates Degree y se conoce como Diploma o Certificate. En muchos casos es suficiente para desempeà ±ar profesiones como algunos tipos bsicos de enfermerà ­a, maestro de educacià ³n temprana, paralegal, tà ©cnico de laboratorio, etc. En otros, se puede utilizar como un trampolà ­n para acceder a una universidad o college de cuatro aà ±os y asà ­ ganar una titulacià ³n universitaria completa. Si ests pensando en aplicar, recuerda que es conveniente hacerlo a ms de una (entre seis y ocho o incluso diez se considera prctica estndar). Y estos son los  ocho tipos de documentacià ³n que vas a necesitar para aplicar a la universidad  y a muchos colleges, por lo que es muy importante planear con tiempo. A pesar de las ventajas que supone estudiar en un Community College y por lo que deberà ­a ser una opcià ³n a considerar, tambià ©n hay que tener presente los siguientes inconvenientes Posible dificultad  para hacer un transfer a una universidad de cuatro aà ±os No todas las universidades y colleges aceptan estudiantes que han realizado parte de sus estudios en otra institucià ³n. O, si los aceptan, imponen condiciones duras para transferir los crà ©ditos ya estudiados. Por esta razà ³n, si lo que se pretende es estudiar una carrera de cuatro aà ±os es obligatorio   asegurarse saber  cuntas universidades y garantizan la admisià ³n de los estudiantes del Community College que se est considerando como una  opcià ³n  para estudiar los dos primeros aà ±os. La admisià ³n est garantizada siempre y cuando se haya cursado un determinado nà ºmero de crà ©ditos y el GPA (calificacià ³n media de los cursos realizados) està © dentro del mà ­nimo  aceptado por la Universidad. Adems, hay universidades que aceptan de buena gana estudiantes internacionales provenientes  de Community Colleges prestigiosos por considerar que ya conocen el sistema acadà ©mico americano. Eso puede ser asà ­ aunque no tengan firmado ningà ºn acuerdo. En estos casos va a depender de la calidad y mà ©ritos de los estudiantes. Para evitar problemas en los transfer analizar en detalle los Community Colleges que pueden ser una opcià ³n.   En el caso de estudiantes internacionales preguntar quà © tipo de apoyo tienen para acomodarse al sistema de vida americano y para mejorar en el inglà ©s. Opciones de visa para los estudiantes internacionales La visa de estudiante ms comà ºn es la F-1 y, en el caso de estudios vocacionales, la M-1. Pero a veces ms que estudiar una carrera lo que se quiere es practicar el inglà ©s y vivir unos meses en USA. En estos casos es recomendable tener en cuenta los  distintos programas que conforman la visa J-1 de intercambio, ya que en algunos casos podrà ­an ser convenientes.   Otra opcià ³n para los estudiantes que viven en Mà ©xico o Canad cerca de la frontera es solicitar una visa F-3, que les permite conocer el sistema educativo estadounidense sin necesidad de tener que vivir en los Estados Unidos. Posibles problemas para sacar la visa de estudiante Si el dinero no es un problema y te han admitido de una buena universidad de cuatro aà ±os, acepta. Los Community Colleges son una buena opcià ³n, dependiendo de las caracterà ­sticas de cada estudiante, incluso pueden ser la mejor opcià ³n en casos de inglà ©s limitado o cuando el dinero va muy justo. Pero si hay la oportunidad de ir a una buena universidad, esa deberà ­a ser siempre la primera opcià ³n. Adems, si eres estudiante internacional, aplicar para un Community College puede ser visto como sospechoso por el oficial consular que debe aprobar la visa de estudiante. Es importante conocer las causas que pueden convertir a una persona en inelegible para una visa no inmigrante, entre las que se encuentra la de estudiante. Adems, estas son  22 causas que convierten a una persona en inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. De interà ©s Si eres una persona recià ©n llegada a los Estados Unidos, es conveniente familiarizarse con las leyes y costumbres del paà ­s. Por ejemplo, para los jà ³venes es de relevancia saber cules  son las leyes de edad del consentimiento sexual.   Es importante conocer las que aplican en el estado en el que se vive. Ignorarlas puede tener efectos migratorios malos para los estudiantes internacionales. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Examples of Chemical Suspensions

Examples of Chemical Suspensions In chemistry, a suspension is a mixture in which the solute particles- whether liquid or solid- do not dissolve. Most of the suspensions you encounter in everyday life consist of solid particles in liquids, but suspensions can also form from two liquids or even from a solid or liquid in a gas. One key way to identify a suspension is that the components typically separate over time. Mixing or shaking needs to occur to form a suspension. Given time, suspensions usually separate on their own. Mercury Shaken in Oil Mercury is a metallic element that is liquid at standard temperature and pressure. Because of its liquid properties, the element can be mixed with oil to produce a suspension. The mercury particles will disperse throughout the oil when the solution is shaken, but the particles will never dissolve. If left to sit, the two liquids will eventually separate. Oil Shaken in Water Water molecules, because of their polarity, are highly attracted to each other. They exhibit a stickiness that can be seen by slowly moving two water droplets toward each other. Oil molecules, on the other hand, are non-polar, or hydrophobic, which prevents them from joining together with water molecules. Oil shaken in water will produce a suspension as the oil particles are momentarily scattered. Left undisturbed, however, the two elements will separate from each other. Dust in Air Dust in the air is an example of a solid-gas suspension. Dust- tiny particles that include pollen, hair, dead skin cells, and other materials- is lifted by wind and ventilation systems and scattered throughout the air, producing a suspension. Because the particles of dust are solid, however, they will eventually return to earth and form a fine layer of sediment on the solid surfaces below. Soot in Air Soot- which takes the form of black smoke- is made up of carbon particles released through the combustion of coal and other carbon-rich energy sources. When it is first released, soot forms a solid-gas suspension in the air. This can be seen in fireplaces, power plants, and vehicles. Like dust in the air, soot eventually settles, blackening chimneys and other surfaces.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example Clardy, A. (2008). Policies for Managing the Training and Development Function: Lessons from the Federal Government. Public Personnel Management. Vol. 37 (1):. 27+. Retrieved 13 April, 2011 from Questia. Clardy (2008) undertook a literature review on the policies of human resource development and archival data in order to determine whether the framework used by the federal government workforce could be applicable to other employment environments. He found that while they cannot be considered as a means of solving all problems in the management of training functions, they can provide a scaffold from which training can be more effectively managed and how human resource development policies can better focus, shape, and guide a company’s human resource. De Meuse, K., Hostage, T., Eau, C. & O’Neill, K. (2007). A Longitudinal Evaluation of Senior Managers' Perceptions and Attitudes of a Workplace Diversity Training Program. Human Resource Planning. Vol.30 (2): 38. Retrieved 1 3 April, 2011 from Ebscohost. This study, a pilot study undertaken within a large manufacturing company aiming to implement a new program of diversity, aimed to find out whether the training would be effective. The pilot study involved 57 mangers and senior managers across 70 locations throughout North and South America. A survey was administered a week prior and after the training and gain 3 months later. The results proved positive in terms of increased scores both directly after and further after the training, which provides a number of positive implications for diversity training of senior management. Druskat, V., Sala, F. & Mount, G. (2006). Linking Emotional Intelligence and Performance at Work: Current Research Evidence with Individuals and Groups. Mahwah, New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. The primary aim of this book is to provide discussion on current and leading edge research into the link between emotional intelligence and workplace performance for future researcher s and organizations and human resource departments. The main objective is to provide evidence and applied research for increasing knowledge and thus capabilities of improved workplace outcomes. Gray, R. (2007). Climate of Success: Creating the Right Organization Climate for High Performance. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth Heinemann. Gray (2007) explores the notion of organizational climate by using case studies to depict the causal links and effects of different climate issues and making recommendations on how to make improvements. He also shows how climate characteristics occur, how they impact on performance, and how managers can manipulate these characteristics and use their knowledge and understanding to benefit others as well as themselves. Grugulis, I. (2009). Skills, Training and Human Resource Development: A Response. Economic and Labour Relations Review. Vol.19 (2): 123+. Retrieved 13 April, 2011 from Questia. Grugulis’ (2009) article is a response to an earlier cri tique written by Ian Hampson (n.d) in relation to her book entitled ‘Skills, Training and Human Resource Development’. In her response Grugilis (2009) reiterates her motives for writing the book and thus the focus of her book, which was questioned by Hampson. She states that her book is intended to make academic research in human resource development (HRD) more

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Midterm Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Midterm Writing Assignment - Essay Example During this period Richard Cobden and John Bright who came from the â€Å"Manchester School†, tried their best to bring about peace and harmony among the people by opposing war and imperialism which was rampant. Therefore, the term â€Å"Manchesterism† stood for the spreading of peace and goodwill among all people at all levels. Captain Alfred Dreyfus, who was a Jew, became an artillery officer in the French army because of his dedication and skill. In October 1894, he was sent for training which suddenly came to a grinding halt when he was accused of handing over military secrets to the German Embassy in Paris. He was promptly arrested and accused of treason. There was no evidence or conclusive significance that Dreyfus was in any way involved, but yet he was convicted because the Army thought that they may be blamed for lending support to a Jewish officer. The Dreyfus Affair became a political scandal. The word â€Å"Eugenics† is taken from the Greek root which meant "good" and "generation" or "origin†. During the late eighteenth century it was used to denote â€Å"Science† of hereditary or good breeding. Gregor Mendel who worked with the cross breeding of pea plants, made popular the concept of genes ushering research in the field of genetics. One strand of genetic research trailed off into the realms of social history which in the beginning of the twentieth century came to be popularly known as â€Å"Eugenics†. During the 1840’s, Britain was going through a heavy crisis period. They were faced with a lot of economic problems and working class unrest. Investments and rail-road building took their toll as there was widespread famine in Ireland and Britain faced some of its most miserable days. Hence, this period was called the â€Å"Hungry 40’s†. Barriers or restrictions that are imposed on foreign competitors would certainly hamper trade relations between countries

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Stages of Life Cycle Development Essay Example for Free

Stages of Life Cycle Development Essay Stages of Life Cycle Development Raytheon I believe that Raytheon is in the elaboration stage of life cycle development. The elaboration stage is described as mature stage of the life cycle in which red tape crisis is resolved through the development of a new sense of teamwork and collaboration. Raytheon employs a process of Integrated Product Teams. IPTs are focused on improving communication amongst team members. This structure creates an atmosphere where each employee is within close proximity and everyone knows what is being discussed at every stage in their area of responsibility. IPTs are broken down into four tiers that are integrated but independent with a customer support leader, production program leader, design engineering leader, and value stream leader that keep things flowing smoothly. Through the use of IPT production teams managers develop the skills necessary for confronting problems and working together. This in turn reduces the need for addition formal controls. Raytheon has achieved collaboration throughout the organization by employing IPT teams. Raytheons leadership employs a Six Sigma business model and is routed within the acets of Raytheon management. This philosophy is embedded within the fabric of Raytheons business plan. It is used as a method for increasing productivity, growing the business, and building a new culture. Raytheon Six Sigma is the continuous process improvement effort designed to reduce overall costs. Structure and Control Raytheon is one of the largest military defense contractors in the world. The Raytheon Company designs develops manufactures integrates and supports technological products services and solutions for governmental and commercial ustomers in the United States and internationally. It is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts and employs about 73,000 people. Raytheons leadership employs a business model know as Raytheon Six Sigma is the philosophy of Raytheon management, embedded within the fabric of our business organizations as the vehicle for increasing productivity, growing the business, and building a new culture. Raytheon Six Sigma is the continuous process improvement effort designed to reduce costs. (Raytheon 2008) Six Sigma was developed by a rocess of benchmarking other companies and leveraging internal best practices. The philosophy of Raytheon Six Sigma is to bring a goal of making customer success a strategic focus for the company increase productivity transform the culture and grow the business. Raytheons employs a business model known as OpenAir which enables all ot its partners to contribute and capture value. It succeeds in bringing together innovators in a range of fields including academia large and small businesses and Raytheon customers. Raytheons OpenAir fosters collaboration. One key aspect of the OpenAir oncept is competition because the opportunity exists for suppliers of all levels to get involved in the overall design and production effort collaboration and creativity increase. This in turn drives costs down and accelerates time to market. As a result Raytheons customers receive best of breed and affordable solutions in a shorter span of time. The OpenAir business model will be a key enabler in Raytheon meeting or exceeding customer expectations. The concept will be used on all new captures which will allow Raytheon to deliver the most innovative products and affordable rices to different markets. The model can also be applied to existing programs driving Raytheon to higher levels of efficiency than ever before. (Raytheon 2007) The OpenAir concept unites diverse partners and encourages complementary efforts. For example a smaller supplier with an innovative technology may lack the infrastructure to bring the product to market. Under the guidelines set by the OpenAir model this same company can partner with a larger business that has the ability to integrate the new innovation and then market and sell the solution. Raytheon 2007) Raytheon also transformed its operating system from a traditional purchasing and supply chain organizations to an integrated supply chain. We intend to link our engineering groups and our performance excellence groups with our supplier base as early as we can in the process when building relationships with our suppliers. We need our suppliers to be an extension of ourselves. When dealing with our suppliers was focused on costs quality and schedule. (Bernstein 2005) Raytheon employs a process of Integrated Product Teams. IPTs are focused on mproving communication amongst team members and keeping them up to speed on their area of concern while also fostering a sense of responsibility for a given function or step.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Comparative Analysis of the Lvov-Warsaw School and Frege-Russells Tradition :: Lvov-Warsaw School Frege Russell Tradition

A Comparative Analysis of the Lvov-Warsaw School and Frege-Russell's Tradition ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is a comparative analysis of the Lvov-Warsaw School and Frege-Russell's tradition. The Comparison of these is made on the grounds of the analysis of existence. Choosing "existence" as the object of the analysis is very essential. It is so because understanding of the category of existence is strongly connected with the whole system. Thus, while analyzing the category, one can make a reconstruction of the concept scheme (in both traditions); show their functioning; and compare them to each other. It is easy to notice that in both these systems: a) analyzing is strongly connected with the way of expressing existence in a language, b) the essential problem is to which category existence belongs, c) the main question is whether existence is a predicate. Since the problem of analyzing—especially the problem of applying logic in philosophy—played an essential role both in Frege-Russell's system and Twardowski's school, the author of this paper wants to show how this was understood there (especially application of logic to some philosophical problems). I. Introductory Remarks G. Frege in the introduction of his "Grundlage der Aritmetik" formulates a general principle: "nach der Bedeutung der WÃ ¶rter im Zusammenhang, nicht in iherer Vereinzelung gefragt werden mu" (G. Frege, Grundlage der Arithmetik, Darmstadt 1961, p. XXII, p. 161. H. Sluga, Gottlob Frege, London 1980, p. 94.). This principle is often called a "context principle". It is stated in there that: 1) A term has a meaning when it belongs to a proposition (is one of its elements); 2) Previous analysis of a proposition is a condition for analysis of the term. Such a view presupposes that proposition is something complex and heterogeneous i.e., its elements belong to different semantic categories. The principle given above makes the following distinctions possible: 1) Division of grammatical elements from logical elements, 2) Division of subjective (psychological) elements from objective elements. Quine in his Two Dogmas of Empiricism states that applying this principle makes an important reorien tation in semantics—"the reorientation whereby the primary vehicle of meaning came to be seen no longer in the term but in the statement" (W.V.O. Quine, Two Dogmas of Empiricism, in: From a logical point of view, New York 1963, p. 39). From the above it is easy to see that the meaning of a term is connected with its function in the proposition, for as we know the function depends upon it's location in the proposition.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pre-Marital Sex & Role of Youth in Building a Nation

PREMARITAL SEX Premarital sex is sexual activity practiced by persons who are unmarried. Is it ok to have premarital sex? † That is a common question among teens and engaged couples. In your mind, you are probably weighing the pros and cons of premarital sex. On the positive side of the scale, there is acceptance from your peers, hope for pleasure, and the fulfillment of sexual desires. The negative side of the scale carries the weights of morals, fear of pregnancy or disease, and guilt. Premarital sex is serious moral issue confronting high school students.This isn’t to say that sexual temptations only existed in youth. But these days, being youth, they are more cut off from familial restrictions and parish supports, confronted with peer pressure that alleges, â€Å"Everyone is doing it,† and perhaps exposed to an irreligious environment. Premarital sexual relationship is an important subject – especially today. Young people are bombarded with the worldâ⠂¬â„¢s standards of morality, or immorality. The values and moral standards, which were endorsed by most Filipinos in years past, are now ridiculed and/or ignored by many.CONCLUSION Premarital sex has no moral grounds, it is against God, and it is unsafe physically and emotionally. Although sex is pleasurable, it is designed by God to be enjoyed by two married people. ROLE OF YOUTH IN BUILDING A NATION Youth† is the critical period in a person’s growth and development from the onset of adolescence towards the peak of mature, self-reliant and responsible adulthood comprising the considerable sector of the population from the age of fifteen (15) to thirty (30) years.Their attitudes, values, mind-set, and priorities will determine the development of the country in the future. As a human we have different kinds of role in the nation and one of this is to become an effective good leader, for us to have a progressive nation, we need to be a responsible person, because we canà ¢â‚¬â„¢t have a progressive nation if we’re not responsible enough, but we must begin to our selves.And in order for us to become a good leader, we must know first how to be a good follower, because we can never be a good leader if we don’t know how to be a good As a member of our community we can help building our nation. We can serve our nation by being united as we having one objections and one goal we may able to attain the works easily. We can do that by participating in any programs in our community. As a youth we can join what they called â€Å"SK† or Sanguniang Kabataan

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Reasons for demanding such course and its effect

Reasons for demanding such course and its effect in the first 10 year time frame Since my infancy, I was profoundly influenced by my father, who was engaged in the area of business.   During the years, I also noted that my passion for the business field arose from other reasons, apart the influence exercised by my father.   Such other reasons mainly comprise the vastness of the topic, which does not consist of a simple equation learned from a textbook. It requires good knowledge on the firm’s strengths and weaknesses, through which one can apply sound judgments and decisions in a highly dynamic and changing market environment.   There is also the issue of managing personnel properly in order to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.   Such fascination in such profession always inclined me to read relevant articles on managerial performance and accomplishments.   For instance, a particular manager that astounded me and boosted my interest was the Wal Mart founder Sam Walton, who out of a mere $6,000 investment was able to create one of the largest corporations in the world.   I also frequently noticed that several entrepreneurs like for example Nike, commenced from an MBA program. In this respect, once achieving the MBA Degree, I intend to gain some experience in management and start my own business.   I know this is a highly ambitious aim, but as Sam Walton frequently stated, one should nurture and follow a dream in a way that it enables him to grow personally in character and mind. Reasons behind succeeding in the course and career pursued My interest in higher education, especially in commerce subjects evolved over time.   Ironically in my younger days, I was not a committed student.   I occasionally turned up home workers and followed readings from textbooks, as instructed by the lecturer.   However, when I commenced working I realized the need of technical competence in business studies.   For instance, one of my great embarrassments was the inability to comprehend the financial statements of the organization I was employed in.   In addition, I noted that my colleagues technical information was far much greater than mine. Through this culture shock, I realized the need of such knowledge.   I started reading relevant textbooks and articles to increase such important know-how.   I also realize that once I am dedicated to an objective, I strive and work very hard for it.   Indeed I did such reading at night after a full day of work.   I believe that such positive feature will assist me to meet deadlines and work under pressure both during the course and at work. I am also a smart doer, who possesses good analytical skills.   Whenever a problem arises, I meticulously examine the situation at hand and consider the possible options carefully before rushing into any drastic conclusions.   If there is no easy way out to such issue, as it happens sometimes, I am frequently inclined to the best option, even though it is the hard way around.   In business administration, taking sound decisions is a critical need.   Also the ability to prioritize the ultimate objective over any hardships that will be encountered is important to reach goal congruence and avoid deviations and conflicts. Methods of communicating and interacting with team members Apart from being a fine doer, it is important that a person is a good listener.   A manager that neglects and/or pays little attention to employee requests is not a good manager.   When one is working in a team, as it frequently happens in business organizations, one should appreciate the fact that the corporate objective is achieved with the help of all the team and not management only.   Sometimes, good ideas come from staff within the team. Therefore a manager should respect the team members ideas at all levels and consider carefully suggestions proposed.   When a good recommendation is given, it should be discussed and examined and if it is a good idea, one should clearly say so even though it comes from a worker.   Indeed, a good idea of communication is the adoption of 360-degree feedbacks. Listening is one of the important characteristics that a good leader should have.   Traditionally, it was thought that a good leader is a born leader.   However nowadays, it is believed that leadership skills can be learned as denoted by Orlitzky M. and Benjamin J. on pages 128 to 138 of their textbook, published in 2003.   Yet, a person that is born with good leadership skills posses an advantage over those who lack and need to learn.   I always exercised positive influence on my friends and induced them to certain actions. For instance, my peers commonly sought my advice on certain matters.   This is thus another important characteristic that can aid in communicating properly with team members.   One last point that I wish to make is that even thought I inherently possess good leadership abilities, this does not necessarily mean that I should not learn to further enhance such skills. References: Ivy League Admissions.   MBA Essay Writing Tips and Strategies (on line).   Available from:   http://www.ivyleagueadmission.com/buswritingtutorial.html (Accessed 18th March 2007). Orlitzky M.; Benjamin J. (2003).   The effects of sea composition on small-group performance in a business school case competition, Academy of Management Learning, Vol. 2, No. 2

Thursday, November 7, 2019

gay rights essays

gay rights essays Two men want to adopt a child in Texas. They have been together for five years and a child would be the one detail that would complete their lives. They filled out the application and it was perfect it was the perfect home for a child; except there was one small problem that caused their application to be rejected; the fact that they were gay. These people can never have the life that they desire because of their sexual orientation. Scenes like this are happening all over the country and they are going against every thing America stands for. Every one should have the basic privileges of marriage, children, working at a certain place and much more despite their sexuality. There are reasons for and against to deny homosexuals the rights that heterosexuals have . There is no need to take away peoples dreams and freedoms just because they are different. Homosexuals should have the same legal rights and privileges as heterosexuals in the community and elsewhere. Together with much controversy the state of Vermont has taken a step in the direction of honoring homosexuality. In April of 2000 the House passed a Bill of Civil Unions. (Vermont governor) This bill grants gay and lesbians the benefits of marriage. The governor promised to sign the bill, and the first civil unions may take place July 1st, 2000.(Vermonts gay marriage bill). Consequently some people are outraged by this decision. Dr. Laura Schessionger has been urging her listeners to demonstrate by calls and mail to Vermont that they are outraged by this new bill (Stop Dr. Laura). She is one of the many opposed to being gay. She calls she calls homosexuality Deviant and Dysfunctional, she also calls homosexuals biological mistakes (Stop Dr. Laura) Even if homosexuality is dysfunctional does that mean we have a right to outlaw that lifestyle because the majority opposes it? I think it is courageous and powerful stateme...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Capitalization Rules for the Names of Games

Capitalization Rules for the Names of Games Capitalization Rules for the Names of Games Capitalization Rules for the Names of Games By Mark Nichol How do you style the first letter of words for games and similar entertainment? The default setting is lowercase, though of course there are exceptions. Names of card games are lowercased except for words normally capitalized, thus poker, but â€Å"Texas hold ’em.† Names for other games of chance, whether more or less â€Å"legitimate† ones like Russian roulette and bingo, those that straddle both worlds (like craps, which has two forms: casino, or table craps, and street craps), and confidence games like three-card monte, follow the same rules. Names of variations, and other terminology, aren’t capitalized, either. Those of strategy games such as chess and checkers are lowercased, too (but note â€Å"Chinese checkers†), as are names of tile games such as dominoes. Traditional children’s games like tag and hopscotch, and those with more complex names, such as capture the flag, hide-and-seek, and king of the castle, need no special emphasis, either. Brand names of trademarked games like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Chutes and Ladders are capitalized, but note that it is not necessarily to use registration symbols with them. (You will, of course, note the r in a circle adjacent to the brand name on the game itself and in printed and online literature published by the company, as well as in written materials of any company affiliated or in partnership with the trademark holder, but no other publication is required to include such symbols.) Names of electronic games follow the same rule. You may also see these names italicized or enclosed in quotation marks; the justification for these styles is that such games have a narrative and are therefore equivalent to films. However, names of kinds of software are capitalized but not italicized. Names for games like pool and its variants, foosball, air hockey, and other tabletop entertainments should not be capitalized. Names of competitive sports such as baseball, basketball, and football are lowercase, but note that Major League Baseball is not merely a description of the highest level of professional baseball in the United States but also the official designation and is thus capitalized. Names of large competitive events are capitalized: Examples include, in the United States, the World Series and the Super Bowl, and internationally, the Olympic Games (informally called the Olympics) and the Pan American Games. (But note that â€Å"Highland games† is a description and not the name of a specific event.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comma After i.e. and e.g.Comma Before ButHow to Write a Proposal

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Death and Afterlife Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Death and Afterlife - Essay Example In the Epic of Gilgamesh called Enkidu's Dream written around 2000 BC, the bleak concept of death being an express outcome of sins committed in life, there is a very apt reference to kings' "crowns put away forever" and the ones who stood at any worldly position on Earth "stood now like servants". This depicts how the Mesopotamian had an acute belief that the afterlife was merely suffering and distress to say the least and the dead were both pitied and feared. Furthermore, the references to "vampire foot", "lion's foot" and "eagle's talon" all illustrate the fears that the people of this time had and how they associates all that they feared with the dismal possibility of death and what they figured would happen afterwards. Contrary to this dreary outlook to life after death of the Mesopotamian people, the Greeks were more optimistic about the afterlife. Although they believed that the people who did wrong on Earth will be punished severely by the gods in the afterlife, they also believed that the good doers will have an eternally peaceful life; modern researchers believe that the concept of heaven and hell originated from this era. The Myth of ER which is the concluding part of Plato's dialogue called The Republic, talks of a man called ER who dies in battle but remains un-decomposed even after ten days when his body was recovered. Waking up two days later on his unreal pyre, he tells his people about his passage to the afterlife (probably one of the first recounts of out of body experiences) in which he sees that moral people were rewarded and the immoral were castigated in their afterlives. Many believe that this was the point where the belief that the soul was mere energy and never dies came about and the intervention of a divine being brought about conviction in following religions. Punishment and rewards in the afterlife were considered a direct consequence of one's conduct in life. The Egyptians were another matter altogether. While both the Greeks and Mesopotamians agreed on the fact that there was a life after death which may either be absolutely bleak or have either a reward or a punishment awaiting them, the Egyptians treated their dead as if they were not dead after all. Elaborate preparations went into the ensuring that a person's ka (soul) and ba (personality) were united and the being would once more surface to travel to the heavens - intact and whole. The body was embalmed for preservation and provisions like writing paper, wigs, clothing and even tools were made available that the dead may need in the afterlife. The pyramid texts inscribed inside the pyramids of some pharaohs of the fifth and the sixth dynasties are primarily associated with the transition of the dead pharaoh to its heavenly abode. "He is not of the earth, he is of the sky. . . ." depicts this transition in terms of the passage a dead being takes after the incorporation of the ka and the ba. Journey to the next world is imminent and the work continued as if alive! While both the Mesopotamians and the Greek eloquently believed that death is the end and the after life depicts what we have done in actual life, the Egyptians believed in the re-usage of energy (soul) for the continuation of the same work being done at the time of death. Oddly enough,